Here is some important information to read before placing your orders with us.


Doppel Rag is a small group of fashion enthusiasts that have access to thousands of exact quality replicas and unauthorized luxury products. We source 1:1 quality products and offer them for sale here on our website. Because we operate out of China it is completely legal to purchase our replica products. We provide full transparency and most of all we know quality which is why we provide this service so that you can buy coveted products for less and shop confidently knowing that your product is an exact 1:1 replica and no one would be able to tell the difference without a high powered microscope.


Ordering on our web-store is simple. Just add your desired products to your shopping cart and place your order. Once your order is placed we will check that the funds have been received and begin processing your order. You will receive email notifications every step of the way until your order has been delivered.


Because we process most orders from China and most orders are placed from the USA, UK, and Australia the general delivery time is set to 7 - 14 days. We use the fastest shipping possible for every order to ensure a speedy delivery and most orders are delivered within 5-7 business days.


Due to the nature of our business we cannot accept credit card payments in the general format as most payment processors do not allow the sale of replica products. We understand that payment convenience is important and we are working to find more convenient ways to accept payments. For now we accept payments through these gateways: Cash App Payments. Once your order is placed, just send the total amount via Cash App. We will check that the funds are received and begin processing your order. Zelle Payments Once your order is placed, just send the total amount via Zelle. We will check that the funds are received and begin processing your order. PayPal (Gift Only) Once your order is placed, just send the total amount via PayPal Gift / Friends & Family. Do not send as Goods and Services. We will check that the funds are received and begin processing your order. Bitcoin & Crypto. It is becoming more and more convenient to buy cryptocurrency and is one of the easiest ways. You can buy and send your crypto currency and once your order is placed we will begin processing your order.


Returns & Exchanges: We allow returns and exchanges only if your item is damaged. Refunds: We allow refunds only if your item is damaged or not delivered. Please allow at least 14 days before requesting a refund of an undelivered order. Privacy: We do not share your information with any other companies or anything other than to fulfill your order. Your information is private and we will never sell or share your information with third-party companies. We keep your information private and your shipments discreet and secure.


The fastest way to reach us is through our Telegram channel. You can send us requests for other products not listed on our website or if you have any questions about your order. For any other issues you can contact us via email: We usually respond within minutes however please allow up to 1 business day for a response.